Our semi-Automated RF Test Fixture comes from our long experience in Fixture development for High Volume production. Manual assembly fixture and Semi-auto fixture are used depending on process complexity, cost, cycle time and shielding requirements
In production or in a remote workstation, to have repeatability and reproducibility, a guiding fixture is normally used.
Manual assembly fixture and semi-automatic fixture are used depending on process complexity, cost, cycle time and shielding requirements.
We have long experience in Fixture development for High Volume production and understood customer needs for Repeatability, Robustness, Surrounding sensitivity, Production friendliness and Cost.
Project Experiences
Production |
M2M, AirCard RF Pneumatic Fixture
FCT Test Fixture
Manual Soldering jig & Assembly jig
Acoustic shielded jig
Air Flow testing Fixture
Design House |
Engineering Prototype Build Fixture
- Semi-auto Pneumatic RF Fixture design, 6-side probing (50-60 dB suppression)
- Design for Repeatability, Robustness, Shielding sensitivity, Production & Maintenance friendly and Cost.
- For customer whose multiple projects having similarities, we can adopt Base fixture and Unique parts concept
- 2UP – 10UP concept to save cycle time
- 50, 75, 100 mils probe pitch
- Robotic fingers with X-Y Stepper control
- Material selection for ESD, Heat, Anti-Scratch requirement
- Stack Up tolerance analysis
- Maintenance instruction documentation
- Design verification with Regression test